Police State Ordeal

9 months ago

U.S. Gov channels monopolize equipment, lobby consists of persons through out police state & apply hierarchy scheme with a fashionable sense to enforce chain of command compliance. Nation schism puts blacks & whites indigenous to America away from coastal region. Corrupt white heads offshore worked their way to the middle, now underground & considers them selves with world in their hands when 90% of the populace world wide belongs to 1 of 4 Native respectfully, 2 as a hand out in sea, with a certain white person to be severely out of the north assumes supreme governance when just recently discovered the sunstone only in America to be unfair. Northern regions consist of 3 by 3 governing states, republican, democratic or liberal demographic that resemble the top 3 meta by whites before the race; the three to consist of every possible need to partake in any feasible condition that may require changing perspective accordingly. However, world peace & more productive had surely been possible prior to ordeal as this time around, no intellectual property could be found, wisdom would be more like paranoia & crashing than rewarding one self with inventive incentives by previous standard more daring to risk one self & now risking flock idealism. Coupled with indecisive nature to null lead questions whom be naturally selected, or with what purpose from the get go would you bring to the table. Without any ability to carry yourself, your ship & men would be lost at sea before the ship sinks, with no way back, you would of fallen short & never delivered, as it had been, we would of never arrived… therefore, one begs the question, if none of us we here, than your expertise isn’t needed. Scared of aliens, demons & angels to the point one seeks out any necessary defense, to complete genocide is a lunatic running with scissors, next comes the fashionable sense to jump on stage, clothes horribly tailored, selective colors to choose from & everyone with the same cape.. breaking apart the scissors, dueling on set when everyone else has six shooters to be the main plot… script on paper & rock for prop by the door, don’t let it hit you on the way out.

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