Francis Key Bridge A Strategic TERRORIST ATTACK Vital U.S. Infrastructure - Serious Shut Down

3 months ago

This IS a strategic attack on the U.S.A vital infrastructure. Hazzardous materials were trucked over that bridge. One of the busiest important corridors in the U.S. This is an absoltley catastrophe attack on our Infrastructure as bad as if a bomb was dropped. This is a cyber attack. Hack into the GPS system and rerouted the ship. Over two minutes are missing from the black box too.

There were no tugs or Harbor Master aboard as is common practice. We are in an undeclared war right now.
"They have figured out how to bring us down. we are arrogant and ignorant a deadly combination".
This is a an attack on the U.S. It is not a conventional war, we are being invaded and taken over from with in, piece by piece by design. This is the breakdown of America's infrastructure- this will cause SERIOUS finacial breakdown and raise prices of food, and everything Americans need to live and survive. Ships waiting to come into that port are blocked out.
Their is a systematic breakdown of our nation.
* Chemical spraying of the skies everywhere everyday- toxins
*. DEW attacks, Looks like Virginina got zapped and Mexico recently
A million acres in Texas, "Chile, 35 sites in CA, Maui, CO, OR, WA, TN,Canada, The Amazon..... incinerated by radiation-
* Geoengineered wind storms- called hurricanes-no its not a real hurricane as ALL hurricanes are is a wet wet rainstorm flooding tidal wave event. Not the recent storms Acapulco and Maui to blow around the radiation fires
* The Covid 19 Bioweapon shots have murdered more people than Died in Vietnam and counting
* Upwards of 200 food processing plants have been destroyed by fire- arson
*. 10,000 + head of Texas grass fed cattle were radiated in mid step- nothing around them to burn them... just dirt. Is that prarie dirt radiated and not able to regenerate the important grasses ?
* Fighting age men lots of Chinese paid to invade our to be enlisted in the military so when they declare Martial Law these foreign criminals with no loyalty to the U.S. will be turned against us.
We are being invaded and attacked by Direct energy weapons and now our bridge was taken out with a cyber attack .
We are fucked unless We the People wake up real fast and unite and FIGHT Back . God help us.
Please get involved and expose these attacks

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