Re: Baltimore Bridge Collapse Several weeks ago, FBI Christopher Wray Admitted that China

10 months ago

Re: Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Several weeks ago, FBI Christopher Wray Admitted that China Committed an Act of War on America by Targeting American Critical Civilian Infrastructure Involving Hacking

Was the bridge collapse targeted?

• FBI and other agencies have identified hundreds of routers taken over by the PRC hacking group known as “Volt Typhoon” via Malware
• This malware allowed China to hide
— pre-opporational reconnaissance
— network exploitation against critical infrastructure, such as communications, transportation, energy, water sectors… steps China was taking to destroy or degrade civilian infrastructure.

• The PRC has a bigger hacking campaign than every nation combined
• China’s hacking program outnumbers US Cyber personnel 50 to 1, even if all FBI Cyber personal were compared to China

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