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Episode 3500: Lies Being Told On Immigration; Left Leaning Favorability Of The Court

9 months ago

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Aired On: 3/29/2024
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  • 0/2000
  • Huge difference between hundreds & thousands of immigrants coming through Ellis Island, screened for diseases, legally processed, deported for variety of reasons. We're being invaded by 10M in 2023 alone, not counting 2021, 2022, 2024. On average of 250k-350k per month. Not screening for criminality, diseases, tracked to location. Also, giving them free food, money, clothes, healthcare, school, houses, no car registration/license/insurance needed, & the vote. When did we get anything free? No, we sweat & break our backs to fund the corrupt politicians, government bureaucrats, & all they're connected to. We are slaves. 😡 Then spreading them out to safe cities/states that we live in or move to, to get away from the crime. And, those legal immigrants of the 1800's were usually families not military aged men only. Reid needs to get rid of that wig, looks stupid. So many nice wigs she could wear...obviously her judgment isn't good.

  • Joy Reid just did a segment justifying slavery. She is an unaware twit.

  • bullshit story teller. never let the truth get in the way of a good story

  • Honey, we were around long before slavery. Who do you think the white people are? German, Irish, French, etc. duh, that's America. We were the original, actual immigrants. Somebody tell her the difference between slaves or illegals, and, immigrants.

  • She looks like a Rotten golden egg....breath of sulfer.

  • Did Reid just equate slaves with immigrants, & illegal aliens? My great-grandparents were immigrants. If they were slaves, I would be pretty pissed by her comment. I couldn't even listen to the rest before commenting.

  • Bullshit artist. The need to go back from where they came from. Stat

  • Does anyone else wonder why all these black white hating women almost always have non-black hair styles and colors?? Straight blond on this chick? What's up with that? Why do they hate their own hair texture and styles?? Things that make you go, "hhmmm."

  • I just LOVE the episodes where Natalie sits in for Bannon! Much easier on the eyes and no stuttering and interupting guests. Now if we could just eliminate the MSDNC garbage at the beginning of every episode, life would be great!

  • The over prescription problem in the United States, can be laid right at the feet of Bill and Hillary Clinton back when they tried go medicine, their chief complaint was is that American doctors prescribed far less than European doctors and that represented doctors trying to get rich off of surgical procedures. It was then the incentives got rotated to compensating for prescribing the incentivizing the pharmaceutical companies to encourage prescribing as much as possible to maximize returns

  • So Mr. Mike Davis, you're going to write a swtrongly worded letter, REALLY, that's it, wow, How bout filing some lawsuits in Red States, against the lawyers playing these lawfdarew games, against Trump & Conservatives! Where are these lawsuits, they are not going to stop, until we put material losses on them, SO WHERE IS A3P's Lawsuits in Red States For Election Interferrence against these lawyers, DOJ And BIDEN???? Stop the strong worded letters, Get down to Lawsuits!, MIKE DAVIS!!!!

  • What you are witnessing is the process of America about to fall understand what a collapse means --------> whatever the event is that is coming right after that within hours this nation will reach the gun stage understand what the gun stage is ? We're in crisis that is what is happening and more chaos is on the way i dont think you're going to be alright America i wish this wasnt going to happen but all indications are enormous chaos is coming the courts are defunct and the judges are bribed / paid off i want to be clear about all this we do not have much time before the EVENT SOON THEY HAVE AN EVENT PLANNED SOON YOU WONT GET TO THAT ELECTION AMERICA THESE EVIL BASTARDS WONT ALLOW TRUMP TO GET THERE ------

  • I can’t even with her

  • Why is she allowed to steal simply jacks personia from tropic thunder? Never go full Reid!

  • They came in legally Waited their turn and nothing was GIVEN to them they worked and most of the time respected the country the rules and the culture they assimilated this is very different and very obvious Reid is just part of the spin They came in good faith anticipated equality and they came to be Americans There was loyalty to the country to the language and to the American Flag and the American way of life A nation built on diversity and immigration should be very aware that this is not immigration this is an attack on who we are and what we are We are being disrespected, attacked on our soil and we have to listen to this disgusting rhetoric to boot!