Keemstar Has Reached Out and Invited Me Back on Lolcow Live..

5 months ago

I was invited back to Lolcow Live by Keemstar to discuss ReviewTechUSA one-on-one, but I declined. My last experience on the show was disappointing. I felt my side was dismissed and I was interrupted. There seemed to be a premeditated gathering against me due to my associations with JKB, Jay Hooft, and even Salvopancakes, who Tommy C dislikes. Tommy C's rude hosting didn't sit right with me; guests owe hosts nothing. Despite this, I'll continue speaking out about ReviewTechUSA. It's crucial to have honest discussions. My previous appearance on Lolcow Live was disappointing. I hoped for a meaningful conversation about ReviewTechUSA, but the hosts were more interested in drama than dialogue. They even tried setting up a date with Melonie Mac instead of addressing the issues. My experience highlights the need for genuine conversations on platforms like Lolcow Live.

I was a guest on Lolcow Live, a YouTube podcast hosted by content creator Keemstar and featuring various YouTubers. My experience on the show was disappointing, to say the least.

I had hoped to have a meaningful conversation about the issues surrounding ReviewTechUSA, but instead, the discussion was constantly interrupted and biased against me for the sake of "content." ReviewTechUSA deflected questions, and the hosts showed a clear lack of research and understanding of the situation. It seemed like they were more interested in creating drama than having a genuine conversation.

What was supposed to be a discussion about important topics turned into a spectacle, with the hosts focusing on setting up a date with Melonie Mac instead of addressing the issues at hand. It was a complete letdown, as I was there to talk and engage in a meaningful dialogue.

Despite this experience, I will continue to speak out about ReviewTechUSA and the issues surrounding him. It's important to have open and honest discussions, and I won't let this setback deter me from speaking my mind.

Lolcow Live has a unique format, alternating between episodes featuring the "lolcows" and the "farmers." The lolcows discuss their lives and various topics, while the farmers react to and "handle" them. Unfortunately, my experience on the show did not live up to my expectations, and I hope that future episodes will focus more on genuine conversations rather than creating drama for entertainment. 8-Bit Eric vs ReviewtechUSA on Lolcow Live happened.

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