80 Years of Betrayal: Canada's Globalist Connections | Bob Blayone

11 months ago

Our elected leaders have been selling us out, and not just in the past few years. Starting almost 80 years ago, our federal and provincial governments have signed on with one globalist organization after another.

From the International Monetary Fund in 1945 to the coming WHO International Health Regulations amendments in May of this year, those we have trusted to work for us have instead steadily signed away our sovereignty.

Not just Liberal governments, but Conservative as well. And you may be surprised by some of the names that appear on the list of politicians who have signed these international agreements that stripped us of our right to self governance.

Bob Blayone is a name most of you have never heard, but he has many years of experience in politics, mostly working behind the scenes to advise and help elect both provincial and national leaders. Until a couple of years ago, when he realized that the strings that put these people in office were all being pulled by the same globalist organizations.

Recently a live document that Bob has been working on came across my desk. In it, Bob details, with links to the proof, almost 30 steps that Canada and the provinces have taken in the past 80 years to be fully on board with the globalist agenda. In fact, it can easily be said that no country has done more to subject their citizens to globalist control.

But Bob also believes that these steps can be reversed. That we can take back our sovereignty. Not through our elected representatives, but at the grassroots.


Bob's live document (UN, WEF, WHO, Globalist Totalitarian Regime in Canada): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENmk0hzK0sxQhIbK9EAq2drzfsRyS5T3LFsqlAmkMTQ/

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