The Conquest of Earth by the Space Gorillas...

11 months ago

From the depths of interstellar space, they came. Ship after ship after ship. An army of hairy monsters draws closer and closer to planet Earth.
The night sky lit up with a dazzling display as massive, gleaming spacecraft descended upon the unsuspecting planet Earth. From these towering vessels emerged an army of colossal naked muscular gorillas.
The people of Earth watched in awe and terror as these extraterrestrial invaders began to assert their dominance over the helpless human population.
The gorilla invaders wasted no time in demonstrating their technological and physical superiority. Their advanced weaponry and sheer brute strength quickly overwhelmed the world's military forces, rendering even the most powerful weapons and vehicles utterly useless. City after city fell under the relentless onslaught, as the human population was forced to flee or submit to the will of the space gorillas.
With each passing day, the gorillas tightened their grip on the planet, subjugating the human race and forcing them into a state of servitude. Vast swathes of the population were rounded up and herded into labour camps, where they were forced to toil endlessly to serve the needs of their new overlords. Any resistance was met with swift and brutal retaliation, as the gorillas demonstrated the full extent of their power and ruthlessness.
Under the rule of the space gorillas, Earth underwent a dramatic transformation. The cities were remodelled to suit the needs and aesthetics of the invaders, with towering, organic-looking structures replacing the familiar skylines. The natural environment was also reshaped, as the gorillas terraformed the planet to better suit their own biology and preferences.
As the years passed, the human race was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self, relegated to a subservient role in the new world order. The space gorillas had firmly established their control over the planet, and Earth had become a mere outpost in their vast interstellar empire. The once-proud human civilization had been utterly conquered, and a new era of gorilla dominance had begun.


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