Spiritual Book Study Groups

11 months ago

'Truth is not new. It is as ancient as the ancient of days. The Christ has been made manifest throughout all time in various forms and has appeared as many different people. They stalk through our minds, these people of the past, leaving in our minds the impressions of their thoughts and acts, their desires and aims, their hopes and their faith, and ofttimes their accomplishments and failures. They relive the history of the ages for us, telling and retelling the struggles of mankind, its comedy and its drama. The philosophy and the religion of all eras pass by as in review, and we watch them go from the freedom of inspired thought to their imprisonment in organization and human interpretation. We follow the flight of the universal Light as It inspires the meditations and prayers of Buddha, Shankara, Jesus, John and Paul; we see Its illumination touch the consciousness of these inspired souls; and again we witness the sad spectacle of this Light being chained by men in personalities. What is this Light men seek to personify? Why does not man push aside the veil covering his eyes that he may behold the impersonal Savior and Physician? Purifier of the individual soul and healer of the personal body, glorious Light of all ages-nameless, formless, universal, impersonal - O man, enlarge your vision and behold It here and now. It walks beside you by day and sits by your side at night; on your journey It travels as Guide and Protector; in your work It serves to inspire and direct. Open your consciousness, now, and let this Presence in,' 'The World Is New,' Joel Goldsmith

~ In memory of my beloved friend and teacher, Gary Hogan


~ Our monthly spiritual book study group will be meeting for around half an hour via Zoom on Friday 5th April, 3pm (UK time) - link in Bio. All are welcome.

~ I'm also delighted to be co-presenting two new Joel Goldsmith book study groups this Spring:

"The Eight Important Chapters" Joel recommended, with Glorian Leicht, on the third Friday of each month 3pm (UK time). First meeting: 19th April.

And "Practicing The Presence" with Yanni Charalambous . Meetings held fortnightly from Tuesday March 12th at 2pm (UK time).

Recordings for both these groups are available to anyone who expresses an interest and are unable to attend.

There's no charge for our meetings but we welcome donations. Please DM for more information, or email: mysticalmeditation@yahoo.com

#spiritual #bookstudygroup #mystical #meditation #joelgoldsmith #theinfiniteway #consciousness #clowns

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