[Too Posh Podcast] 242 - Proof That The Earth Is Flat - Conspiracy Theory Explained [May 31, 2021]

3 months ago

242 - DAVID WEISS "THE FLAT EARTH PODCAST" Is The Earth Is Flat Or Round? Prepare to be MIND BLOWN P1

We welcome the incredible David Weiss from the Flat Earth Podcast and he tells us that he walked away from a very successful company at the beginning of 2020, right before Covid to spread the truth and to help
get our freedoms back.
God gave him a message and he walked away from what he worked for his entire life and making more money that he could have ever dreamed of to be ridiculed about his beliefs about the Earth being flat.
He says that you don't just wake up one morning and believe the Earth is flat, but that we are so programmed to not seeing that most people just cannot see it.
He says the worst thing you can do is to google Flat Earth because the controllers of the world will lead you to the Flat Earth Society, which is controlled and a bunch of garbage.

If we are not a pancake floating in space then what are we? He says we are more like a pond. The edge of our world pond is Antarctica.

Flat Earth Dave used to have a podcast called "Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole", which was a conspiracy podcast looking at all sorts of conspiracies and people were sending him flat earth stuff all the time and he was forced
to really look at it, after banning them on his social media for being so stupid to believe that.

Cruz asks David what proof he has to support his belief that the Earth is flat. While David is proofing his points, Cruz then questions David on the Netflix Show "Behind The Curve" which he says is deception created by
people that were not fair and edited the film and they are in the process of suing them right now. He explains why...... don't miss this - it is unbelievable. When the YouTube video comes out you can actually see all the proof that
David brings.
"What is the point of telling people the earth is round if it is not?" Marcella asks.....
Cruz says there are still a lot of unanswered questions.

David says that actually in the end the shape of the earth doesn't matter, but the lie matters. He says that our history is very different from what we have been taught. He says that the non stop dividing, dividing, dividing on all
levels that is being done to us is so that the leaders do not lose authority over us. He says, that if we all would no longer listen to the dumb governments they couldn't do anything about it.
He says the only power they have over us is in our HEADS. They are trying to control our minds and want us to live in FEAR.

Miss Polly asks if all the space pictures she grew up with are a lie. Immediately David and Cruz vehemently agree that NASA is a lie.

We are told that nobody is allowed to visit Antarctica or do any kind of exploring there or you will be intercepted by war planes and ships. This is all part of the Antarctic Treaty.

We learn all about how fake the original moon landing was and David says that NASA literally lies about everything. He shows all the proof that NASA is faking all of it. It is mind boggling that with the technology we have
today we have not been able to go back to the moon. Definitely makes you think.

David says that all countries are in this together and the division of countries is fake.

He tells us that in the 1920's everyone was taught that the Earth was flat. He interviewed a woman that was taught in a Connecticut public Elementary School that the Earth was flat. He says to go find people that are over 100 years old that still
have their wits about them and they will prove this.

He then teaches us about the founder of NASA, what his grave stone says and NASA's connection with helium companies that prove that rockets are just balloons and how unbelievable the deception truly is.

We discuss the Challenger catastrophe and how the explosion was all edited and intended to traumatize children.

Stay tuned to Part 2 that will certainly blow your mind even more as David describes the unbelievable connection to the Challenger astronauts and their twin siblings.
Gabrielle asks David if he has people after him that try to shut him and his message down.
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Get the app! Learn the TRUTH! More info found at https://www.FlatEarthDave.com
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Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours. If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back.

We live in a world of lies pushed on us by the upper levels of the world controllers. It is easier to lie to someone than to convince them they have been lied to especially when they are unknowingly addicted to the fear. If the FOUNDATION of your world belief is that you are on a spinning water globe pear rocket flying through an infinite space vacuum, then you will not know WHO you are, WHERE you are and WHAT you truly are. You will be lost and feel insignificant not KNOWING that you are at the center of creation rather than on a speck of dust in an ever expanding universe.

With that belief you can be convince of anything. To wake up you MUST start with the foundation of your world and from there you can see beyond the imaginary curve.

The FLAT EARTH SUN, MOON & ZODIAC CLOCK app is the best tool for discovering flat earth and introducing it to friends and family. It visually shows how the sky is a perfect clock and brings you the latest google censored flat earth content.

The FAQ page will answer all your questions on how and why flat earth is hidden. Got a reason you think Flat Earth is impossible, we have an answer that you haven't thought of yet.

Take the FE Clock challenge. Watch the featured video every day for 2 weeks and see what happens. Just search "Flat Earth Clock" by Blue Water Bay in Google Play or the Apple App Store. It will be the best $2.99 you've ever invested. Avoid the knock off apps on Google Play, they are FREE and still NOT worth the price. Download and check it out today!

Apple: https://tinyurl.com/FEiOSapp
Android: https://tinyurl.com/FEdroidApp
Both: https://qrco.de/bbizVA

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MEDIA INQUIRES: https://www.theflatearthpodcast.com/book-dave-for-an-interview/ If you are a show host and think Flat Earth is stupid and impossible, let's do a Q&A on your channel.

science, technology, geology, astronomy, physics, education

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