Ostriches Knock Woman Around Eating From Bowl In Her Hands

6 years ago

Ostriches while not known to attack people are large birds, and it can be quite jarring to stand next to one when you are not really prepared for it.

The rancher who owns this farm has a woman walk backwards up to a pack of Ostriches…

You can tell that this woman is not at all comfortable with the idea of walking backward toward a large pack Ostriches who are waiting expectantly. They are a behind a fence, that admittedly does appear to be fairly flimsy. Well, not flimsy but it does appear as though these giant birds could just easily hop over it. We don’t really blame this woman for being nervous about the ostriches. In the meantime, here are some fun facts about ostrich farms. The first American farm opened in 1886 in Pasadena, California. It was built by Edwin Cawston. Originally, Cawston shipped 50 ostriches from South Africa to Galveston, Texas. From there they took a rough trip to Pasadena. Of the 50 only 18 survived, but later he managed to reach up to 100 ostriches from the remaining birds.

I was confused and did NOT expect the Ostriches to react like this!

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