You're Pregnant but are You Showing?

3 months ago

Matt Hebert, The Crossway Ministry, 3/27/24

Numbers 33:16

And they removed from the desert of Sinai, and pitched at Kibrothhattaavah.

Kibroth-hattaavah— the children of Israel weren’t happy with the manna provided from heaven by God. They wanted flesh. God sent quail and they ate flesh until they vomited it out of their nose and then they were struck with a plague and were buried in a place and the name of that place was called Kibroth-hattaavah- the graves of flesh.

Before we transition from this spot, I just want to say that the believer must be spiritually sober to the fact that the flesh remains an ongoing potential problem for Christian growth throughout the entirety of life’s journey.

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