The Rulers & Slaves - Corruption at the Pinnacle of the Pyramid

11 months ago

Identifying the individuals tainted by corruption is an expansive endeavor, stretching from the hallowed halls of the White House to the labyrinthine corridors of Capitol Hill. Within this expansive list lie lawmakers, lobbyists, Congressmen, Senators, politicians, and their entourages, each entangled in webs of deceit and self-interest. Yet, when unraveling the intricate threads of corruption, it is imperative to adhere to a cardinal rule akin to that in the investigation of a murder: follow the trail to discern who stands to benefit at the apex. Regrettably, the public often fixates on peripheral figures, failing to grasp the broader, systemic machinations orchestrated from the upper echelons. The enigmatic notion of the Deep State only further complicates matters, hinting at layers of influence spanning individuals, corporations, and dynasties that elude conventional scrutiny.

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