Dad Saves Toddler From Epic Swing Fail

6 years ago

Usually on America’s Funniest Home Videos, when we see anything homemade we are 95-percent certain that shoddy construction is going to play a part in a forthcoming epic fail.

Two dads are swinging a boy on a homemade swing in the forest…

The swing the little boy in the red sweater and jeans is riding is surprisingly high up. When the swing reaches the bottom of the arc the kid is at least three or four feet in the air. We think even the dad’s would have a little bit of trouble hopping up on to the swing. The dad closer to the camera, he is the one in the black long sleeve t-shirt and white ball cap, is the one doing all of the pushing. As they start the swing, he is going fairly gently. He pushes the boy from his stomach to get him going. After a few swings the dad taps the kid’s feet to keep the momentum up. However, you can tell that he doesn’t have a great technique because he’s just pushing what he can get close enough to tap.

I could NOT believe how this dad saves his kid. AMAZING!

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