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False Flag Baltimore | US-UK-UKR Attack on Moscow | US Homeland "Special" Mil Operations Confirmed

9 months ago

Anon Audio File 73

SG Anon discusses the Baltimore port attack, the US/UK and Ukraine involvement in the Moscow terror attack, cyber threats worldwide escalating, and whistleblower documents confirmed US Military "Special" warfare operations being conducted against US Incorporated "States"(States Inc.)

They never thought she would lose.

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  • 0/2000
  • SG, Love your work. I am 22 years Surface Navy (retired) and have been in and out of a host of different civilian ports worldwide, including Baltimore. A few things to clean up your understanding of this: 1) ships that big routinely travel at 10 knots when fair in the main channel (helps with maneuverability especially when it's windy), slowing to 5 knots if there's a no wake zone. 2) If there's no threat to that port, once the tugs are no longer needed, they routinely transit the channel without boats alongside. Pilot boats meet the ship further out when there's room to maneuver for favorable seas to allow those boats to come alongside or helo off. 3) The fact that Dali made that 180 turn is normal because there's isn't a huge turning basin at that specific Pier facility, so they just pull away (with tugs) and then transit a bit ahead and then use a connection channel to get into the main channel / river to depart the port. Once ships are fair in the main channel, tugs usually cast off and depart at the direction of the Harbor Pilot so as not to be a hazard to navigation or risk capsizing the tugs as the ships speed up. 4) it's not unusual to have 2 pilots aboard (harbor and bar pilots) that early in the process. THAT SAID.....looking at the NY Post article today with the drone fly-by, the damage to the pillar is far lower and very clean compared to the height of the damage to the ship above the waterline. I think you're SPOT-ON with the idea something else assisted the bridge collapse. Many associated Q drops, Salvadore Dali's print Broken Bridge (ship named after him), proximity to delta of Evergreen incident in the Suez Canal and similarity of the pics post incident, Ukrainian captain, Sum of All Fears incident happens in Baltimore, Leave the World Behind similarity, possibility of that ship being associated with Mitch McConnel's now dead sister-in-law's company, and LOTS more to unpack!!!! You're on the right track!

  • Baltimore is as Cabal controlled as any city. Pelosi was born there into a Mafia family. IMO, the Catholic church in Baltimore is involved in child trafficking and other black operations.

  • Just a note: The Seaways Operations Code in the US, (Old Moniker), requires a PILOT to be aboard in specific cases, such as Entering / Leaving the Port and Harbor, when docking in heavy weather, fog, snow etc.? Want to note also, the "Workers" on the structure, were exclusively from South America. None have been found to date. Question, Who else was on that bridge, under a regular schedule, thereby depleting opposition players; or indeed some of their own. Best operation in a gig like this, remove the operational actors after the fact or during. How many civilians were on that bridge that minute? There is an after action report at the NTSB already being buried, oh dear...... I grieve for those who have died and suffered under this insanity. Please remember it is 1% who seek power over the rest of us. If we all just say NO, we can stomp this bunch into a greasy spot on the road. We are one, we are awake, and we are seriously pissed off.

  • Demolition expert said it looked like Thermite charges went off. This expert was involved in dozens of bridge demolition removals.

  • THANK you, SG, for your hard work and excellent research and information breakdown. I appreciate you 🙏❤️🙏

  • Thermite like twin towers and building 7.

  • Great report. No question this was a FF attack.

  • Thank you SG!! Have you listened to Colonel Towner, on Alpha Warrior show? Topic: Operation Gladio. Everybody needs to listen and learn about it. Thanks again!!!

  • Allowing this port to fall, narrows the vectors directly adjacent to DC. It also helps to contain elements that are sure to gather in DC in the coming months.

  • IMO, the Cabal will attack 17 Satanic buildings in an attempt to blame Russia. Q A bridge collapse like this is a big deal, but nothing in comparison to 9/11. The White House, The Washington Monument, and the White House are on that list, according to things I have seen. That would wake up the country something awful and I beileve is necessary.

  • Thanks from Australia We're doing it tough up here. If you can, can you dig into events here in Oz

  • The DS is unhinged at every level!

  • Your voice has been a comfort, SG, in my old age and through much hardship, and loss, Thank you for being, Gonz.

  • Hey SG remember we were told “ the TITANIC hit an iceberg “ but there was allegedly a conspiracy story they switch the names from the Olympia to the titanic at the last minute for the voyage. Perhaps same thing at play.

  • Many years ago I was waiting in line to cross the Coos Bay North bend Oregon Bridge when a large tanker slammed into the bridge in rush hour traffic. I was in a compact car and felt the hit. They closed the bridge for a couple of days while they inspected it. I grew up in bridge city, Portland Oregon, it's a major ship yard. Bridges get hit. This spectacle was planned, executed and was an assisted demolition, in my opinion. God be with us all.