This Dog Is Super Excited For His New Teddy Bear

6 years ago

Everyone loves a new toy, right? No matter if it’s an actual toy, or something considered as such, like a new phone or a new bike, when we get an upgrade, it really is something to be excited about. Naturally, when a dog gets an actual new toy, they express it the only way they know how. Either they jump for joy and never leave it out of their sight, or, like this pooch did, they shine their pearly whites.

Junior the Border Collie is a happy dog by definition, but that is especially true when he is playing with his toys! He is so happy that he likes to flash his owner a hilarious smiling face when she plays with him.

Although the face may look like he is snarling, it is not aggressive in any way. Junior is a soft-hearted dog that loves to snuggle and is always at his owners feet. It is simply a way to let his owner know how grateful he is that she is finding the time to play with him!

The woman teases her Collie with the new teddy bear, waving the stuffed animal up and down. Junior keeps his eyes stapled to the plush toy, because it is his after all. Whenever she drops the teddy bear on the ground, he jumps at it, then releases it, waiting for another round.

We could look at this face all day long!

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