Should yout content connect with everyone?

3 months ago

Your content isn't going to resonate with everyone, but that's alright. When you align more with your following, there is a mutual relationship being built. One which is beneficial for the creator and the consumer.

When we apply this thought to creating content for our clients, it should be a part of the conversation and through this, we can craft content that speaks directly to their target audience. This is most likely potential customers for their business. Branding yourself is important and effective, but can come at a cost when keeping it real. It's up to you to decide who you want to connect with and who you want to portray yourself as.

This clip is taken from my recent podcast appearance on The Thomas Galgani Show with @thomasgalgani

Please support his pages and watch the full video podcast on his YouTube channel at

#broccoli #branding #imo #resonate

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