[CLIP] ‘Non-Binary' Birth Certificates and the WPATH Fraud: Stella O'Malley

1 month ago

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"What they have is very, very, very shoddy literature of a small number of children...It started in the Netherlands. This clinic in the Netherlands decided to give children puberty blockers as a way to say, 'Well, they're not happy when they transition as adults. So, maybe if we transition them as children, it'll have better results.' Radical, extraordinary, very heavy experiment, but they decided to do it. They didn't have a control group. So, they didn't have a group of children that they didn't give these interventions to, to follow up. And they took a very healthy group of children. Out of about 150, they took about 70, and they followed these 70 children, and they gave them puberty blockers. They stopped their puberty. And of that 70, 15 backed out of the study. And of those 15, some of them developed diabetes, heart complications, all sorts of issues that you'd want to say, 'what happened there?' And then, of the 55 that were left, they went on, they continued their study, and one of those children died when they were getting cross-sex surgery. And so, I would say, 'One out of 70 died? End of study, End of research, this doesn't work.' The dangers are way too high. The risks are way too high. These are children we're working with. This is inappropriate. But they didn't think that. They thought it was a great success. And doctors came over from America to the Netherlands in 2008, and brought back this highly experimental treatment and started to operate in the U.S." - Stella O’Malley

#GenderTransition #GenderPronouns #GenderIdeology

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