No Age Ontology - Individuality within identityless oneness

9 months ago

The aspect of Timeless Oneness must be recognized and realized by each ‘individual consciousness’. The individual consciousness which is the radiant clarity of Timeless Being, must recognize its own Timeless Source and this is always an individual direct recognition and realization, never a group experience or a mass experience. What is overcome within total Awakening is not individuality but self-grasping at independent identities. Individuality in this case is not regarded as a separate entity but simply the ‘individualized’ self-clarity of the Timeless Ground of Pure Being which is similar to infinite space. When the Mind of Pure Being realizes its own non-arising aspect of Timeless and identityless nature, then its own manifestation is always harmonious and beneficial. However, when the radiant clarity of the Timeless Mind of Pure Being gets confused in believing in subjective and objective identities its manifestation brings suffering and strife.

#illusion #liberation ⁠#time ⁠ ⁠#mind #self

For more detailed information about No Age Ontology and the the Laws of Reality you can refer to my books here:

No Age Ontology ►►►

The Seven Laws of Reality and Being ►►►

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