Theatrical production..πŸͺ–πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβš–οΈ

2 months ago

Just another day watching the military operation...
I have lots of questions, prolly just like you..
I see those Chemtrails daily..
But , now..
The difference is knowledge..
We're watching a military operation..
Don't believe me, that's fine..
But if you want to research it.. is the link..
LawsandOrders Lawofwarmanual
Learn what's really going on by a guy who knows his information and is a total Patriot Mr Derek Johnson..
On Rumble he's at Rattletrap1776 .
He's got some information all of us should know.., but don't..
Please check it out, and share the love with you're friends
Thanks for watching..

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