Prophetic Message for Australia (2021)

10 months ago

Canadian Barry Wunsch Prophetic Message for Australia (14 December 2021)

Transcript of Video
"Not just in Canada but across the Nations. Keep your eye on Australia! For I am about to light it up says the Lord. I am about to release My Fire across the land. And I shall blow upon the burning ones who are standing in my ways. They shall ignite city’s towns and regions. Australia for you have been forced down under and yes from that place I am going to birth a movement, a revival. I am not bringing it through the mega church as many may have expected, for they had thier chance. They compromised and now will pay the price. For this movement I shall birth in the hearts of my people. I am coming to them in supernatural ways and encounters. They shall be empowered by Me says the Lord. My word and my Spirit Shall burn with in them. As they surrender to me, I shall fill them, and lead them. From the underground they shall arise with Me. Your oppressors do not have the upper hand as you suppose. For I am working underground in secret places in the hearts of good men. I am going to give them wisdom and guidance to lead this Great and mighty Nation back to me. I am releasing the Hosts of Heaven to do their bidding. For I am raising up a National leader among you, who I am have prepared for the call. He is already on the inside, and knows the landscape. He knows the cost. And He is soon to know me in a far greater way. For Australia, I have heard your cries, day and night you cry out to me. And I have heard them. Australia, prepare for a coup. For when I am going to move I will move fast. And swiftly it shall be done. At first you won’t believe it is happening for they will try to hide it, but they will not be able. For I am tying their hands. The media shall fall to thier knees and turn from thier wicked ways. The henchmen shall be taken out. Their days are numbered. Australia my love, I am going to blow upon your Sunshine Coast, and your Golden Coast and bring a revival to the wild ones! For the places where they used to come to party in unhealthy ways I am going to rebirth, into hubs and places where they shall come together to seek my glory and my revival. They will come from the Nations once again for revival among the young and vibrant that I shall raise up as mighty ones to take back the Nations. Australia I have not called you to be a timid Nation. I’m calling my church to wake up out of the slumber and out of silence. I’m calling you once again to stand up. Put the past behind you, come to the altar and I will wash you clean, and I will once again restore you and refresh you to take back the land. I’m calling my body to take back the universities and the schools that have been taken over by the enemy. They have used these institutions to swing and steer a nation into a place of great compromise forsaking my word and my ways. Australia my love, my fire is coming to your Government House. And when I am done, the rats will be burned out, each and every one. All corruption. All control. Every satanic practice. All occult rituals shall be dealt with. Yes impossible for man. But not for the Lord of Hosts. Australia consider your ways. Now is the hour. Now is the time. Do not hasten your decision on this day. For no decision is a decision. Turn your hearts of Worship unto me today. For I have called you to lead a Global Worship Sound too and with the Nations. I am releasing frequencies in and through you that will shred the heavens for my Kingdom. And Nations will turn to me once again. For this is what I have called you to lead. Is it no wonder the enemy hates you so? Is it no wonder he has tried to control and suppress you? Is it no wonder he has tried to silence your voice and your song? Australia my love, sing once again! With all you have, turn to me and away from your wicked ways and yes, I will heal your land!”
Barry Wunsch

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