BLM Continues To Try To Destroy Free Speech Rights Of Kyle Rittenhouse…Protests Erupt At WKU: Part 1

3 months ago

The irony of BLM protesting in favor of 3 white dudes is kinda hilarious. I bet if someone asked the crowd, they wouldn't even know the guys Kyle ventilated where white… This does beg the question, since the 'victims' were white, is Black Lives Matter changing their name to All Lives Matter? Yeah, we didn't think so either.

• More at: Twitchy - BLM Continues to Try to Destroy Free Speech Rights of Kyle Rittenhouse -- Protests Erupt at WKU
Rumble: BLM Continues To Try To Destroy Free Speech Rights Of Kyle Rittenhouse…Protests Erupt At WKU: Part 2

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