A record of infamy - NINE kittens rescued in ONE Day!

11 months ago

How about some FAIR PLAY RUMBLE - and not picking on us and stopping us from getting views???????
Straight back to being black balled on Rumble still - and I don't even know why - another channel with the exact same type and even number of videos has THOUSANDS of views - and this platform brags about being the alternative to youtube....
The infamous day on which we surpassed our previous record for the number of kittens or cats that had to be rescued in a single day. This is a short version of the issue. Please let me know if you would like to see a much longer, more detailed version of the 4 rescues.

I knew that this month would be the busiest of the year - this is because people who say they are Muslim - but who have nothing to do with Islam will literally behave worse during Ramadhan than during the rest of the year - this pervades EVERYTHING, general behaviour, manners on the road, and of course the number of kittens being dumped, the lever of neglect, etc.

We have already had a busier month previous to this than ever before - not just dealing with young abandoned kittens, but also a lot of teenage, young and old adults with, in particular, extreme scabies cases. A couple of those animals were very sick and succumbed unfortunately - but the majority have undergone treatment successfully and are well on their way to full recovery.

Todays extreme day started of with 3 TWO WEEK old kittens - still deaf and not even able to pee on their own yet. One of them was sitting in water in a field that had just had a combine harvester working through it - his two siblings were hiding in the undergrowth nearby - they were only found by searching thoroughly. Another straggler turned up by himself while I was dealing with the babies. 20 minutes later I found another 2 little guys at another dump. But that wasn't the total for the day. Later on at night - I found another 3 three month old gingies at the same dumpe that the 3 babies came from that morning.

I expect the worst time will be the last week of Ramadhan and the following 3 or so days - so it may be that right now is the calm before the storm........

Thanks to those wonderful people who help us with donations.

A particular thanks to @jamesstreet228 who has literally kept the ship afloat, AND THEN SOME, with epic generosity, while youtube google tried to wipe us out.

A special thanks to my Patreon supporters:

Dejan Gole


Torsten Schwan

Marc 1981er

Mad Chemist


Mary Yetts

Lynne S

Diana Pulido

Keith Cawthorne

Lisa Dickie

Vanessa Sorrell


Lars Pettersen


Your contribution is making a daily difference.

#kittenrescue #animalresue #indonesia #ireland

Enquiries: mycammedia@hotmail.com

#Irishinindonesia #irlandiadiindonesia #AMTIPetshop #mycammedia #mytravelmedia

Please consider making a donation to us to help support our efforts. Our greatest need is for funding for vaccination and neutering of cats for adoption.

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