Girl Transitioned at 12 - interview

2 months ago

Meet Layla Jane. She was introduced to the idea of transitioning via Instagram’s algorithm before she was even 13.

By 12 she was put on a "puberty blocker" called Lupron and less than a month into being 13, she got a double mastectomy.

Her insurance paid for her transition but does not pay for her detransition.

The drug she was given, Lupron, has also been used to chemically castrate pedophiles who rape kids. Again, she was given it at 12 yrs old.

Every adult needs to hear how she was abused by the medical system, this ideology and by Big Tech. The worst part? All the adults who affirmed her along the way without treating it as the mental health issue it was think of themselves as compassionate people. Their idea of compassion is Layla’s story of horrific abuse.

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