20240327 塔克·卡尔森 第 85 期:史蒂夫·尼库伊是加利福尼亚的一名木工,他的儿子在拜登从阿富汗撤军期间丧生。

1 month ago

20240327 塔克·卡尔森 第 85 期:史蒂夫·尼库伊是加利福尼亚的一名木工,他的儿子在拜登从阿富汗撤军期间丧生。乔·拜登不愿说出他的名字,因此在国情咨文演讲中,史蒂夫·尼库伊自己说出了。他立刻因此被逮捕。“我们被利用了”,金星之父揭露了拜登政府的可耻行为。(中英双语机器字幕)

Ep. 85 Steve Nikoui is a carpenter from California whose son was killed during Biden’s pullout from Afghanistan. Joe Biden won’t say his name, so at the State of the Union speech, Steve Nikoui did. He was immediately arrested for it. “We Were Used,” Gold Star Father Reveals the Biden Administration’s Shameful Behavior.

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