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💑 Hollywood Film Producer John Paul Rice Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia in This 2020 Video * "A Child's Voice" Movie Link Below 👇

11 months ago

John Paul Rice, independent Hollywood film producer of "A Childs Voice" movie on human and child trafficking speaks out. 40,000,000 children are trafficked annually, 5.5 million trafficked, harvesting organs while sacrificing creating a $50,000,000,000 Billion Dollar Industry. The majority die between 5 and 8 years of age.
👉 MOVIE: "A Child's Voice" https://tinyurl.com/479j6s9t
👉 This Website is Mentioned in the Video: https://www.edge.org
👉 Anneke Lucas Ted Talk: https://tinyurl.com/yck5jdkn
👉 Anneke was sold into a murderous paedophile network in Belgium when she was only six years old. She was being abused and tortured to serving as a sex slave to European elite. Anneke's Website: https://annekelucas.com
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  • 0/2000
  • Old news yes. But us, like them, need to keep playing it to remind people this is going on.

  • They keep putting these videos out periodically I believe because so many people are just now waking up and listening. It’s a slow drip.

  • wow this has been up two hours and I'm the only one who commented!!!! I thought this is old News. !!!

  • Thank you for sharing this, I am headed now to watch the film. As a survivor this is something I am very passionate about. I will fight till my last breath to save a child. I never want a child to go through what I went through. I too highly recommend EFT, I began using it13 years ago and it truly has helped me with my CPTSD so much. Thank you again for keeping this topic up front. I had no idea just how deep it went. Take Care everyone.

  • children's rights...when a 9 year old tells me they have to 'forget their past' cause they do ridiculous things...wtf is wrong with parents right now?! The kids are taking care of the adults. The weight of the world is on their shoulders and teachers and adults are telling kids how the children hurt their feelings. children need our protection! physically & mentally! God bless these babes and pray for their salvation.

  • we've talked and known about this for years

  • Great Find Sis!

  • Oh, Diamondz, thanks for this informative video. Hope you're well😉👍

  • This is such a a huge issue especially right here in America. Child abuse is a daily issue. main stream media are nothing but trash just like the movie stars, politicians and elite scum. They destroy young lives. Their view of children is less than dirt. It time to bring them to their knees. Now!

  • I've never seen this.

    1 like
  • Call me and leave a message 919-353-6971 I think we have a lot in common. Don't ignore my request bro. I'm serious about this stuff.

    1 like
  • what are the names of the people who own hollywood and the media. there arent more than about 30 or 40 high power people. and almost all of them are of one origination. look at their last names.

    1 like
  • What a beautiful warrior and amazing video...thank you for sharing this... Protect our children!!!

    1 like
  • Thank You for sharing this incredible travesty! I pray for the children and people involved.. 🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢

    1 like
  • This needs to be spread FAR AND WIDE.

    1 like