⚠️DTTV 198⚠️| Are the RCMP Allowed to Have Mandatory Alcohol Screenings at Routine Traffic Stops?

8 months ago

Technology was not on my side this week; I had a whole episode filmed for this week and had issues with it, we’ll leave it at that so this is going to have to be a real quick probably not the most polished episode but we’re going to talk quickly about the RCMP in Saskatchewan’s announcement that they are going to start Breathalyzing every single car that they stop under powers that they have under the Criminal Code of Canada.

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👉🏻 Link | A – https://bit.ly/4a8UwuB

👉🏻 Link | B – https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/page-47.html#docCont


👉🏻 DTTV 14: Cannabis Laws - https://bit.ly/3VBwBQ9

👉🏻 DTTV 15: Can Police Search Your Vehicle if They “Smell” Cannabis? - https://bit.ly/4ax1yJv

👉🏻 DTTV 32: Ride Programs - https://bit.ly/3x9Nya9

👉🏻 DTTV 33: The “Crime” of Drinking within Two Hours of STOPPING Driving - https://bit.ly/3vuO0iY

👉🏻 Moustache Challenge Tweet on “X” - https://bit.ly/40PcGxM


Thumbnail - https://www.midjourney.com/home?callbackUrl=%2Fexplore

Intro Videos by Daniel Absi, Kelly Lacy, and RODNAE Productions from Pexels & Intro Music - News Runner by Daniel H. licensed via Jamendo

A special 🙏🏻 to Richard Mitchell at RAM Design Group Inc (https://linktr.ee/ramdesigngroupinc) for his public relations, communications, and crisis management services.

#Canada #DrinkingAndDriving #MADD

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