John 12:12-19 “Countdown to the Cross” 3/24/2024

2 months ago

Today…with the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem…we begin the final countdown to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.
Please understand that what happens over the next few days in the life of Jesus did not take Him by surprise.
He had been telling His disciples about this time for a few months.
He fully understood what awaited Him in Jerusalem…which makes His love for us even greater.
There had been a couple of times when the people wanted to take Him and make Him king…but the time wasn’t right…
The time is right now, and He will go to Jerusalem knowing this will lead to His death on the cross.
I often think, why now, why this time, there were other Passover’s.
Because nothing happens by chance with God, this scene played out in heaven before the foundation of the world.
God knew before the world was formed that at this time in history, all the characters would be in place and their hearts would be where they needed to be to see this through.
This was the perfect time in history…because it was God’s timing…because it is His Story!

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