6 months ago


What is the main responsibility of a Transportation secretary? Is it not safety? Hasn’t Pete ButTigieg and the Biden regime been an utter failure at this most important aspect of transportation?

East Palistine, numerous other train derailments, flight delays at an unprecedented scale, Boeing becoming a laughingstock, the utilization of flights to transport illegal invaders across the country, the use of flights to import invaders from Central America, and recently in Haiti?

What initiative toward safety can anyone point to that Butiboy has undertaken? None. We can point to pushing EV’s that no one wants, mass transportation that the bridge collapse itself illustrates completely misses the mark, and DEI that has made us less safe, more delayed, and far less confident when anyone flies.

Is the collapse of an Iconic American symbol – the Francis Scott Key Brigde – an act of war or an example of weaponized incompetence on the part of the Biden – Obama – Butigiege regime? Which is it? Is it one or the other or a combination of both?
One thing you can be certain of – you won’t hear the truth, you won’t get a straight answer from Mainstream media, main stream social media, and certainly not from the regime itself.

But we are going to ask some questions. Common sense questions. And we are going to ask a lot of them. Strap in.

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