The Seven Great Passovers of the Bible - No. 107

11 months ago

Introduction Commentary Video – No. 107 The Seven Great Passovers of the Bible
This work explains the sequence of the seven great Passovers of the Bible and their meaning in the build-up to the coming of Messiah in the Incarnation. The forerunners to the Passover are explained and then the meaning behind the Passovers in the Exodus, the fall of Jericho, and with Gideon, Hezekiah, Josiah, Ezra and, finally, Messiah are discussed. The framework of the Passovers is explained in relation to the life of a man. The Jubilee system and the parables in Genesis 2:9, Zechariah 4:3-6 and Luke 3:7-14 are also explained. The years of the tree from Luke 13:6-9 take on a much fuller meaning or significance from this work.
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