Biden's Border Crisis: Influx Of Illegal Immigrants In NYC Schools May Bump Special Needs Kids

11 months ago

As Biden's border crisis continues, it's very telling exactly what groups of people the Biden administration is willing to let suffer to keep the border wide open. Black communities in Boston, parks and rec departments in Colorado (as well as hourly employees), and school children in NYC. It's the latter group that really seems to be getting hit hard by Biden's border policies. Illegal Immigrant Children Are Overcrowding NYC Schools. Here’s What Could Happen Next. A massive influx of illegal immigrant children in Manhattan schools may push a school for children with disabilities and special needs out of an academic building and into an “inadequate” site, according to a report from the New York Post. The school, West Prep Academy, reportedly serves 170 students, which mainly include children with special needs. West Prep is being overrun by the enrollment at PS 145, which shares the same schoolhouse.

PS 145 has enrolled lots of illegal immigrant children, reportedly “flooding” the system. Reportedly, more than 30,000 migrant children have been sent to public schools in New York City in recent years. “We’re at a point where now parents are not feeling heard,” one academy parent told The Post. “I see all of these parents expressing these real concerns for why this is not going to work for their kids. “We don’t agree with this change because we are actually, as teachers and parents and advocates, looking at the actual educational and developmental impact on the children with regard to this change,” the parent added. -- Just shameful.

• More at: Twitchy - Biden's Border Crisis: Influx of Illegal Immigrants in NYC Schools May Bump Special Needs Kids
New York Post: Surge of migrant kids at NYC school could push special needs school out of shared building
Townhall: Illegal Immigrant Children Are Overcrowding NYC Schools. Here’s What Could Happen Next.

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