2 mistakes you make while Lucid Dreaming!

9 months ago

Here I discuss the two biggest mistakes you make while lucid dreaming.

Mistake #1: You Get too Excited.

When you become too excited, there is a spike in your emotions, disrupting the natural flow and causing your mind to wake you back up, sensing danger. Your mind does not distinguish between imagination and reality, which is why drowning in dreams feels so real. So, when your emotional levels spike (due to excitement or panic), your mind wakes you back up.

Mistake #2: Getting Triggered

When you encounter familiar faces, especially those associated with pain in your waking life, you tend to get triggered. This brings up painful emotions, placing you in a state of panic, creating an emotional spike, and causing you to wake back up.

Watch out for these mistakes and prevent yourself from committing them in the dream world.

What this video to learn how to Lucid dream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LszbTiFBJIs&t=625s

Watch this to know the dangers of Lucid Dreaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuwyKoQVP_A&t=920s

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