Reading off 2020 Republican Party Platform (Part 6/7)

3 months ago

Available here: .

"Great American Families, Education, Healthcare, and Criminal Justice" is what this section is called.

This was enjoyable, talking about all of the mentioned subjects. Familes and education, while healthcare was meh since we all know the issues that Democrats and Republicans have been discussing to solve healthcare problems, and then also the issue of crime. Not sure how crime can be such an issue in the contemporary world given so many millennia of recorded societies trying to deal with it...

It's essentially the typical Republican side of talking points. The interesting aspect is how verbose they clearly defend their position, compared to the Democrats.

And, also, there is a huge highlighting of what problems the unconstitutional "administrative state" has produced in our country since Woodrow Wilson in the 1910s caused the formation of the "administrative state" which we do not know not having and possible never question the existence of when being raised in this country through our development as children.

Maybe actually give the Republicans a chance? And why are Republicans always fighting themselves when I fail to see how anyone but the "moderates" (Democrats Under Name of GOP, DUNG) faction could fight against this part of the platform.

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