#144 - Transactional Gold w/ Rep. Raymond Crews (LA-8)

10 months ago

Chris and Danielle are joined by Rep. Raymond Crews (LA-8) as he pushes for the transactional use of gold and silver in Louisiana. It may seem like a far-fetched idea, but it might just be more sensible than many think!


Proverbs 3:21-22


Support Rep. Crews's bill HB 714 by going to our action center and letting your legislators know that you strongly support it and that it is your Constitutional right to be able to transact in gold and silver!
Click here to go directly to the action: https://www.votervoice.net/LACAG/Campaigns/113123/Respond
Pre-order the movie “Flynn - Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost.”
Click here: https://www.flynnmovie.com/ref/TSOFPodcast/ or visit www.freedomstate.us.
Visit the LACAG Action Center and sign up to get our calls to action in real time!
Email us at info@lacag.org or info@freedomstate.us to express your interest in testifying during the upcoming Regular Legislative Session.
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Danielle shares what to keep in mind with today’s scripture (02:04)
The State of Freedom welcomes Rep. Raymond Crews (03:25)
Why transactional precious metals matter (05:18)
On the reason for Louisiana going first (11:13)
Who would benefit from this (13:28)
Opinions so far from the Governor’s office (17:50)
Where can the people help (19:23)
Possible practicalities once implemented (27:19)
Overflowing support for Rep. Crew’s legislation (34:43)
State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (41:36)


Send feedback on the show or ask questions by visiting www.freedomstate.us or email us at info@freedomstate.us.
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To get involved with Louisiana Citizen Advocacy Group, visit www.lacag.org or email Chris at chris@lacag.org.


If you are enjoying the podcast, please subscribe and share it.
If you'd like to show your love for The State of Freedom with a financial gift, please visit https://www.freedomstate.us/support-the-show
If you own a business in LA and are interested in supporting our show by advertising, you can email us at info@freedomstate.us.
If you're interested in investing in precious metals at the best prices on the market, visit www.metalstacks.com/dwalker or email danielle@freedomstate.us for more information.


Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby

Sound effects by Pixaby

Produced by Podcasting Pros

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