"Toddler Boy Tries To Escape His Shadow And Then Gives It A Kiss"

6 years ago

"Toddlers playing with their own shadows, now, that’s something we can never get enough of. The toddlers’ fascination with shadows is just the funniest thing. Some kids fight with their shadows, chase them, talk to them, and even try to get rid of them! If you have never seen a kid playing with his own shadow, stop what you are doing because you absolutely have to watch this video! The toddler boy from this video is running back and forth in front of a white wall. Seems like he is trying to escape his shadow while his dad is filming him. This little boy is determined to run away from that shadow of his! How precious is that! However, his dad suggests he should kiss his shadow, and so he does. Oh, how funny is that! Toddler boy gives his shadow on the wall so many kisses! Isn't that the weirdest and the cutest thing you have ever seen?"

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