Summarizing the Obama Coalition of the Democrat Party Unlisted Video

5 months ago

Using Wikipedia, I read aloud the discussion of the near-historical yet still contemporary coalition of the Democrat Party which was found here: .

Honestly, given that the "Obama coalition" was simply to elect the first Black American President, there was really nothing more than a "cult of personality" and the dude was an idiot. He speaks slowly not because he's a thinker but because you think he sounds more intelligent. As such, the Democrats bloviated a bunch of bullshit into their 2020 Democrat Party Platform, hoping to appeal to the diverse "Obama coalition" yet lacked cohesion and were especially immoral in their takes on political positions compared to the Republicans.

Let's not try to bring back the "Obama coalition", okay? It was merely there to elect the first Black President, nothing more and nothing less.

Surely, the Democrats can do something better. Like, dissolve.

Maybe the void of a cohesive Democrat stance can be filled by the Libertarian Party (unlikely) or even the Constitution Party (perhaps, they seem better in terms of cohesive thought).

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