TAROT READINGS: Kate Middleton's Video | Upcoming Solar Eclipse | Sean Coombs | Baltimore Bridge

11 months ago

Hi Everyone! We're the Tarot Circle!

Find about us here and how to get in touch with us if you'd like a reading, a collaboration or you'd like to be our guest: https://mailchi.mp/2e2340122afc/eow

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We're Lynn, Barbara, Kaila & Ally!

We bring a unique take on Tarot Card Reading with each of us bringing different yet synergistic energies. Today we ask:

1) Kate Middleton releases a video about her cancer diagnosis, but is it really her?

2) We also ask what we should expect from the upcoming Solar Eclipse on April 8th 2024?

3) What is going on with Sean Coombs/ Puff Daddy/ P Diddy after his house got raided yesterday?

4) What was the ship pulling down the Baltimore bridge all about?

And.....We finish with Lynn's two week pull; how should we negotiate the next two weeks leading up to and around the solar eclipse! For entertainment and information purposes only! #tarot #Royals #Kate #solareclipse2024 #Seancoombs #puffdaddy #baltimorebridge

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