Signs in the heavens

11 months ago

We're all hearing warnings about signs in the heavens in the coming days. Has it left you frustrated? Have you wondered what you should do? Has it left you concerned or worried? The most important piece of information and intelligence for what God is directing you to do in your future, He gives to you. Pay attention to your dreams. Write your dreams down and seek an interpretation. God will show you what to do in troubled times. He will show you how to navigate the times that we live in, where information seems scarce and people tend to be worried.

To submit a dream, ask a question, or join our FB community visit:

Gain a ROCK SOLID Biblical foundation on dreams in our FREE 22-episode course. Address controversial dream passages and teachings such as the source of dreams and false dreams:

Interested in really growing in your dream interpretation ability?
The Spiritual Intelligence Mentorship:

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