Chaotic Transition

6 months ago

Transitions are difficult times in life. When we are waiting for something new to happen, and we are in-between the old and the new, the enemy loves to throw in all kinds of chaos. We see it even in the life of Jesus Christ right before He went to the cross in the Garden of Gethsemane, it was a very difficult time for Him, and the men He spent so much time with throughout His earthly ministry, discipling them, loving them, teaching them, they were not there for Him in His greatest time of need. Isn’t it like that for us too? Chaos happens and everyone scatters, no help to be found. Oh for the love of the human condition, it never meets our needs.

Human beings can’t meet our needs, only God can. We need to put our expectations in God, not people. God is Who Jesus taught us to turn to in the worst of soul chaos and soul agony, we turn to God. Our Father God, He never leaves us nor forsakes us, and His Holy Spirit is always Present with us and for us. We are never alone during a time of transition. God is always working in the unseen for our good and His glory. These are the two purposes of God that are part of God’s Providential Care of us… working for our good, working for His glory, and He does both well.

The enemy also schemes and craftily devises stumbling blocks to keep us from the new thing God has for us. During these transitional times we need to cling to God, and dig our life roots deeper in Him and His Kingdom. The enemy of our soul will try to make it “seem” like we have hit a dead end in our times of transitions. We can get hit hard with so many road blocks during these transitional times of our life, and everything seems to fall apart, and there is much chaos. But we know, wherever chaos is, the enemy is working, yet God has not left us to the devices of our enemy. Never does, never will God forsake us in our life battles to make our way to His way, truth and life. God is never not up for the challenge of the enemy. So don’t quit on God, He will make a way, the transition from the old to the new thing in your life, it is at His direction, He started it, He will finish it.

During the transitional times of our lives, we need to guard our heart diligently with the Word of God and activate our faith daily through the promises of God. We always need to remember, reminding ourselves that God has our life underneath His authority and control. Chaos makes it seem like the enemy is in control, but GOD never abdicates His authority over us, He is always in control. When it seems like the enemy puts up a “Dead End” sign, it is never so, because with God there are no dead ends. Therefore, we keep walking, and keep moving forward in followship of God. God is continually making a way in our lives, and His purposes are always in play for our good.

Chaos can really stick up its ugly head in the midst of transitional times. These are the times we need to wholly-holy trust in God’s timing. God is doing something new in our lives and we will know it. The enemy will work hard to keep us from the new thing God has for us, but always remember, God wins, God finishes what He starts and He finishes well. God finishes in first place. God’s got this transitional time you find yourself in. Trust God. Completely!
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