USA Now producing more oil and gas than any nation ever has

2 months ago

In January, the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported a historic milestone: US domestic crude oil production reached an unprecedented peak of 13,247,000 barrels per day in September 2023.

This remarkable achievement, surpassing any other nation’s single-month output, perhaps warranted more attention, highlighting the transformative prowess of the advanced US oil and gas industry.

What’s even more extraordinary is that US producers not only shattered this record in November but also exceeded the September figure once again in December, the latest month with comprehensive data available.

It’s highly probable that November’s all-time high of 13,319,000 barrels per day (bpd) has been surpassed at least once more in the first quarter of 2024, demonstrating producers’ ability to enhance production efficiency continuously, the Telegraph reported.


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