Stealing from billionaires

9 months ago

I want to steal every penny from Jeff Bezos and give it to the poor
Every nickel from the Walton family & feed the hungry- you billionaire whore
Every dime from Elon musk and build a solar monorail from shore to shore
Billions in real estate from the Mormon church, then give the homeless a place to snore
(Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do anyway?)
Every damn dollar from Bill gates, and fund medicare for all in the USA
9 trillion from Blackrock, then heal humanity and the planet forever and today

Stealing from Billionaires, such a noble cause
Stealing from Billionaire, and creating just economic laws
Stealing from Billionaires to balance out the economy
Stealing from billionaires, more happiness for you and me

But It's not really stealing, because Billionaires owe all world’s societies
They take and take, fund all wars, and impose their sociopathy
America is an oligarchy, not a Democracy- its an economy run by the super rich
And I don’t know about you, but I get sick and tired of being their bitch
The American military goes aboard to steal resources from sovereign nations
Then corporate America sells those resources inflated to Corporate patrons

Just like you and me

Stealing from Billionaires, something we should all do everyday
Stealing from Billionaire- Screw work, Take from them everyday
Stealing from Billionaires- Then go outside and play
Stealing from billionaires- Wouldn't have it any other way

Bonna Bom Bomp
Bonna Bonna Bom Bonna Bonna Bomp

Bonna Bom Bomp
Bonna Bonna Bom Bonna Bonna Bomp

No one should have a billion dollars!

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