Psychic Predictions April 2024 The Shocking Silence of Acceptance...

10 months ago

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2024 psychic predictions:
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Psychic Predictions April 2024 The Silence of Acceptance...

Dark gloomy, not really bad. Explain more later.

Deep silence of acceptance. Truth bubbling to surface. Chess game - becoming aware.

Bitcoin goes down second half of month, stock market continues doing well until around June.

US leader: Predicted: Red sea Houthi allow China Russia, not US. Major financial setback. Also attack in R.
US leader: not too happy, but nothing major changes. Aware of failure to control red sea. Ships go by but not freely - worse in coming months.

Z of U: not looking too good.

Country: R leader: Doing well. Attacking Ukraine. Next month: losing ground, stronger in Sep. R takes massive land.

Middle east conflict: Palestinians gaining more support, looking better for them. June things may get worse for them.
Predicted last month: Easing of tensions, UN demanding ceasefire.

thumbs up, monthly predictions

Vision: Bungee jumping into canyon. Nothing left to fear. Conflicts bubbling up, no one is good/bad. black/white.
Meditative silence, opinions fall away. Truth "nothing to say".

Good for: finances, analyzing past/future, accepting death and unpleasant truths.

bad for: flying to close to the sun (feeling too comfortable/arrogant/optimistic). This is a time for observing/planning, not doing.

Next month: Big ideas of things like tranhumanism and future prospects, but for now: hearing echo of our own thoughts. Jaws drop in awe of where we really are.

Month is about being real. accepting.

Advice: Be what you want to be. No excuses anymore. You can't wear a mask anymore. Energy shifting - new angles pierce old shadows. Dissolve what is false.

Patreon: blind reading, crypto, world news, censored. $35

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