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Can we actually Make a Difference? | Matt Kim #087

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  • 0/2000
  • I'm a 65 yr old white woman. by accident yall poped and I decided to listen. I think yall are made for this fight. we need you. tks 4 reading, Lorie

  • Israel made the shots.. israel controls speech in America (most of the west) They are ''Gods chosen'' which means that in their minds they are an expert

  • Matt, TWC.. You might be oblivious to the owners background. I'm not. I've gone down the rabbit hole. They are not good and they are using you.. Please don't let them take away your promise to your listeners, and your beautiful child. You owe her the truth and that you stood behind your morales and promises. Let me know if you want the rabbit hole on Lopez and Coulson. #dontleavetheREALtruthmovement #pleasedontsellout #liketheresthave #youdontneedtheirnarrativecash 🙏 please don't do this. You will lose all credibility once people wake up. I'm happy to share my months of rabbit hole work with you. MTG, GABBARD.. most know who the actors are. Do you? Let me share my info with you

  • its a systematic error. its the pace that the world is moving at. And just like border control another symptom of baad governance. Cargo ships are massive and estuaries are not suitable for these Goliaths. its only the superior skills of crew by a minute by minute time frame that prevents these collisions, events, from happening on a regular, basis. An ocean going vessel should have a local pilot steering the vessel. Two tug boats with one an ocean tug, Cyber attack is stupid, assumption. The ship is in harbour mode, steered by the helms person with a little joy sticks. operation is controlled by onboard plc system. Power is from main switchboard, and main generator . emergency generation start up, two to five minutes. Engine, generator malfunction, various mechanical and local. no engine, limited steering, depending on design and electrical /Hydraulics thruster control. No power? Boat, at the mercy of river and residual thrust. Hey, lets face it. Democrats inporting illegal aliens. They not concerned With infrastructure and good governance. poor captain is going to get the rap. Normal procedure is two tugs attached when close to bridge. Transport authority fuck up.

  • Well well well Matt, you are over the mark with your great podcast! I'm happy you're on Rumble!

  • I just saw your show… Not for the first time, but really, really enjoyed this show! Well spoken, thought provoking, your voice matters! I was a part time fan… now… I’m on board with your way of thinking 🤔… Big fan now, keep poking that bear!

  • lost me with Trump it all a Hollywood theater of Washington DC. No more brainwashing. Trump and COVID and Epstein and company do not give me a buzz.

  • “Were getting locked in our own digital ghettos.” That was perfect! I grew up in the ghetto and the comparison is very real. It was a Wild, Raw, Grungy, Anxiety and Anger Inducing place. It included Bullies, Backstabbing, Constant Threats and on and on. Conservatives love the Korean/Asia community “en masse” and “CELEBRATE” their higher intelligence, lower crime rates and contribution to this country. This is a great podcast we need more of it! When is your community going to FINALLY come out of the shadows, rise up and start fighting for your country in the online media community? Why is your culture so timid and quite? “Is Trump Hitler.” Don’t insult your own intelligence and embarrass yourself.

  • I hear that most diseases and problems in the body are inflammation in the body.

  • Thank you. You are both amazing and first time in weeks anyone's content have captured me like this content.

    1 like
  • Convention of States, article 5. We can bring things back to State level then rebuild.

    1 like
  • The video was taken down because the comment sections of the video inevitable go to who benefitted and who made the shots.. kinda like how I get called a nazi when I explain where the puberty blocker drugs are made and what books were burned by the Germans.

    1 like
  • I presume you two are of Chinese origin. I've got three part-Chinese nephews whose papa is Chinese.

    1 like
  • The Left is completely beatable because they trade on deceit, treason, sedition, deflection, projection AND relentless anti-White rhetoric. Everything that's TOXIC.

    1 like
  • How’d Peter get away from ripping up the Go Cart track 😂🫡

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