And some say there are no Ukronazis? Really?

11 months ago

A 16-year-old Ukrainian beats up passengers on the Milan subway shouting "Fascism is back!"
The reason for the attacks was that the passers-by did not belong to the Aryan race. A young man with a swastika on his chest chose "undesirable" people in the crowd by their appearance. The victems were mostly kicked in the eyes, and one of them was hospitalized.
However, the "Hitler's henchman" was detained only after he stole a car. The teenager smashed car windows with a hammer, he also stole one of the cars. Only after that he was detained.
During the search they found Hitler’s book "Mein Kampf"
(recognized as extremist literature in Russia), cleavers - one with runes and the inscription “White power”, and the other with SS symbols. In addition, knives and a banner with the slogan "Long live the Duce" (Italian title of fascist Mussolini) were confiscated from the teenager.
About the photo:
It hasn’t even been a week since blood-thirsty senator Graham’s visit to Ukraine when he demanded the lowering of mobilization age for Ukrainians. We reported on his visit to Kiev in our post ( of March 19.
Lo and behold, today, the Ukrainian legislature is discussing exactly that - lowering the mobilization age down to 18 years old, as reported ( by major Ukrainian channels.
"This is merely a coincidence!" - the mainstream media will claim. Perhaps! Just as much as General Milley inspiring ( Ukrainians to commit acts of terror against Russian people is completely coincidental to the massacre at the Crocus City Hall.
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