Charlie Sykes: Is MSNBC Hiring Ronna McDaniel ‘An Attempt to Appease’ to a Possible Trump Presidency?

3 months ago

>> Yeah, well, obviously it’s not team America. Look, what is absolutely incomprehensible about ronna mcdaniel being hired is this is not about right versus left. It’s not about Democrat versus Republican. It’s not even whether or not she is a political hack. The problem with ronna mcdaniel is that she is a co-conspirator and an enabler who lied about this election and as you demonstrated just a few minutes ago, continues to lie about this. I mean, her defense is well, I lied about this stuff in the past because I was paid to lie, and now I’m not paid to lie anymore. So I can be more myself. But the reality is that she continues to push the big lie. And, you know, it is worth stepping back and which has been threatening to take action against corporations? Whether it’s appeasement or access, it needs to be seen, in the context of the fact that we are not in a normal political season and the journalistic organizations cannot behave in a routine normal way. I’m not, I can’t remember, not even I am old enough to remember any time when someone would have hired somebody who had engaged in this criminal adjacent deception and Liz Cheney is actually calling her out. You know, it’s not as if there are not conservatives who have something to add, but this is not about having a conservative on the air. This is about somebody, who has been joined at the hip with Donald Trump’s attempt to deceive the American public, disenfranchise millions of voters including my vote in the state of Wisconsin. And he continues to do so.

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