X22 Report-3314a-b-No Money Can Save Dead Green New Scam,Trump Wins AGAIN-Panic Everywhere!-Ad Free!

3 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3314a - Money Will Not Help The Green New Scam, It’s Dead, Market Crash Predictions Have Begun

The climate agenda has failed, it doesn't matter how much money they throw at it the people will always reject it. Biden paying companies billions to push his agenda. Financial pundits are now predicting a market correction.
Ep 3314b - [DS] Projecting Their [FF] Event For The 2024 Election, Trump Wins Again, Panic Everywhere

The [DS] lost again. Trump got his bond amount reduced and the appeals court removed other issues. The panic everywhere, the [DS] cannot stop Trump. They will now intensify their attacks. They are already projecting their [FF] event during the election. They will try to stay in power, they will create chaos and try to shift the blame to Trump. This will fail just like everything else. Trump and the patriots know the playbook .

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