Why Are Women Getting Fat? - MGTOW

11 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Shapour and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I follow your channel because you are one of a kind in the mgtow community. Recently a show I watched talked about the negative effects of eating animal products and how we can benefit from the vegan diet. Dr. Neal Barnard also spoke about this in one of his conversations with a podcast host called, the diary of a CEO. I have started trying the diet for the past 3 weeks. It consists of legumes to replace the protein, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and vitamin B12. Since then almost all of my health issues disappeared; which means no more depression, headache, insomnia, being horny all the time, my emotions get regulated better, no more joint pain, back ache, gassy belly, or even heart ache; I lost about 10 pounds since covid made me 30 pounds overweight. Overall, I feel happier. This is like a new life given to anybody who tries it. Please share this with your audience as we might be able to save some new people from being hooked to the system as Neo depicted in the matrix movie. And don't forget to check out Dr. Neal Barnard YouTube channel as he explains how people can get rid of a lot of health issues just by eating properly and avoiding animal products. If it's possible, don't leave YouTube. People need you! Cheers. Well Shapour thanks for the donation and topic. I'm almost on the diet you speak of. Recently I became a Pescetarian and now the only animal product I eat is fish, wild Salmon to be exact. Chicken recently started making me upset to my stomach. Chicken for example has arachidonic acid, a fatty acid that directly feeds cellular production of inflammatory chemicals. Beef for me is even more inflammatory and I did an experiment last summer and ate one sirloin steak per day for a couple of weeks and my inflammation got really bad. Pork does the same thing. But eating beef gave me more energy than I knew what to do with and felt better than at any point in my life. But it also made my inflammatory bowl issues worse as well as my nail psoriasis. So I had to stop. A lot of people have told me to eat a carnivore diet. If it wasn't for the autoimmune issues I'd probably be eating that way. Sugar is also inflammatory and maybe you should throw out fruits and whole grains out of your diet as well. Let me suggest you put some more olive oil into your diet. I get most of my calories from that and it's been great for my health. The way I see diet what works for your won't work for someone else. Everyone should do an elimination diet and see which foods bother them and which ones help. The only reason I'm still eating fish besides the fact that I need vitamin b and my body has a hard time processing b vitamin pills is because it's anti inflammatory and helps me more than it hurts me. Even the foods that are mostly good for us sometimes have some negative side effects. dairy is highly inflammatory as well and I've thrown it out of my diet. But it's not just diet that causes problems. There are tons of things that cause inflammation like lack of quality sleep and stress which is the biggest one. Also I'd be worried if I were you. It's a testosterone drops which is making you less horny. Your T levels going down are a concern and not a cause to celebrate. It means less muscle mass, bone density and drive to work and produce. Less pepp in your step. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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