8 Worst Foods That Lead To Fatty Liver

10 months ago

8 Worst Foods That Lead To Fatty Liver


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What are the worst foods that can cause fatty liver disease, and why are they so bad for you?

1) Excessive alcohol consumption can put a strain on your liver, and it can cause inflammation and scarring – or CIRRHOSIS, which can severely impair liver function. And when alcohol is metabolized in the liver, it produced the chemical compound ACETALDEHYDE – a toxic substance that can damage liver cells.

2) Margarine is made from vegetable oils that are put through a hydrogenation process that makes it solid-at-room temperature. But it also creates TRANS FATS – an artificial fat that has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver disease.

3) French fries are cooked and submerged in hot oil, thus leading to the formation of harmful TRANS FATTY ACIDS. And many restaurants re-use their cooking oil over multiple batches of French fries, which increases their trans fat content. French fries and other fried foods are also high in blood pressure-increasing SODIUM. Excessive salt consumption can lead to liver-damaging inflammatory and fibrotic effects.

4) White rice is high in calories, sodium, and simple carbohydrates. A study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that excessive calorie consumption, often associated with high white rice intake, can also contribute to the accumulation of fat in the liver.

5) Canned soups tend to be high in sodium, calories, and carbohydrates, with many canned soups being especially high in added sugars, and at the same time, are low in fiber. Canned soups are also high concentrations of SODIUM. Studies prove that consuming too much salt causes oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver, which can lead to liver fibrosis.

6) Soft drinks and sugary sodas typically contain HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. This highly processed artificial sweetener cannot be metabolized normally. It gets rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing an almost-immediate and damaging blood sugar spike, and instead of being used as fuel for your muscles, it gets sent to your liver, where it is stored as fat.

7) Processed meats, like hot dogs, deli meats, and bacon, have high concentrations of liver-damaging sodium and artery-clogging saturated fats. They have also been found to contain ADVANCED GLYCATION END PRODUCTS – toxic compounds that increase the risk of fatty liver disease.

8) Most vegetable oils are extremely high in OMEGA-6 FATS. The omega-6 fat LINOLEIC ACID, in many store-sold vegetable oils, has been found to be particularly harmful to your liver. Studies have shown that consuming large amounts of linoleic acid can increase the risk of developing liver inflammation, fat accumulation, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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