WHO Press Briefing—They Still Think The Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Will Go Ahead - UK Column News

11 months ago

WHO Press Briefing—They Still Think The Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Will Go Ahead
Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-25th-march-2024
- World Health Organization (WHO): Virtual press conference on global health issues transcript
- World Health Organization (on X): 
“As we speak, WHO’s Member States are meeting to negotiate a historic, legally-binding agreement to protect future generations from the impacts of pandemics.
There is much agreement between Member States on the objectives of the agreement.
Now they need to agree on how to achieve those objectives.
Areas of disagreement remain, but there is still enough time for countries to find common ground and finalize a strong agreement in time for the World Health Assembly in nine weeks. It’s doable.”
—Dr Tedros #PandemicAccord
- World Health Organization (WHO): WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing—21 March 2024
- Sovereignty Coalition: You are invited to a Sovereignty Coalition Zoom meeting, 
"Mobilize for Sovereignty—No WHO."
When: March 25, 2024, 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) / midnight UK time
All Participants Must Register in advance for this meeting:
CORRECTION: The 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva beings 27 May and runs through the first of June. Thus, the Pandemic Treaty will not be considered for finalisation until on or around the 27th of May. Today's UKC report report mistakenly indicated it'd be on the 24th of May.

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