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Welcome ProfessionalMani, the channel that will shatter your childhood dreams and rebuild them with mind-blowing hacks! In this video, we're diving into the realm of toy hacking to bring you the top 10 mind-blowing creations that will leave you questioning reality. Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the world of innovative toys like you've never seen before!
At number 10, we have a LEGO Heads Up Display that will blow your mind. James "The Ancient" Brown ( https://youtu.be/SNJpRXlfKQE) has managed to fit an entire artificial horizon into a single LEGO brick, bringing a whole new level of functionality to your favorite childhood toy. BTW Check out this channel for awesome lego builds: (https://www.youtube.com/@TheJumiFilm).

But that's just the beginning! We've got more incredible hacks in store for you. Imagine waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee delivered by a massive 70ft model train winding through your home. ( https://youtu.be/akHUMQm3144) It's not a dream—it's a reality created by a genius hacker who knows how to combine playtime with caffeine!

And speaking of playtime, get ready for the ultimate weapon in your Nerf battles: the Nerf Attack Drone. (https://hackaday.com/2021/06/03/auto-aiming-nerf-gun-to-give-you-the-edge-in-battle/) This flying fortress of foam warfare will rain down foam darts on your opponents with rapid-fire capabilities and pinpoint accuracy. No hiding spot is safe anymore!

But the hacks don't stop there. We have a dad who built a frickin' tank for his son, a hoverboard-powered go-kart that will leave you in awe, and even a Star Wars Land Speeder with a real jet engine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hngDG7yx7sE) . Yes, you read that correctly—a jet engine!

If you've ever dreamt of being Spider-Man, we've got you covered. These wrist-mounted web shooters will make you feel like a web-slinging wizard (https://hackaday.com/2021/10/26/spider-man-swings-a-little-closer-to-reality/#more-502912) . And for the strategic nerf warrior, we've got an auto-aiming nerf gun that will give you the edge in battle (https://hackaday.com/2021/06/03/auto-aiming-nerf-gun-to-give-you-the-edge-in-battle/).

But that's not all! We've also hidden a model railway in an end table (https://hackaday.com/2022/04/11/this-end-table-conceals-a-close-encounter/#more-530314), and we've hacked a Jack-In-The-Box to be extra surprising (https://www.youtube.com/@Franklinstein87 .) These hacks will blow your mind and redefine what toys can do.

So, if you're ready to join us on this epic journey into the realm of mind-blowing innovation, hit that like button, subscribe like your life depends on it, and get ready to explore the limitless possibilities of hacked toys. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of our wacky world of tech wizardry. Hit that subscribe button, share your thoughts in the comments, and prepare for explosive content, epic battles, and enough tank puns to make your funny bone salute.

Stay tuned for more mind-boggling inventions that will make you question the very fabric of reality. Remember, the only limit is your imagination. See you in the next one!

Welcome to Best Cool Tech, THE CHANNELL for top 5, top 10, inventions, gadgets, technology, tech, review, amazing inventions you must see, you won’t believe exist, inventions you must have, things that actually exist, and amazing inventions videos.

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