Sri Aurobindo’s Gayatri Mantra

9 months ago

The word is a sound expressive of the idea. In the supra-physical plane when an idea has to be realised, one can by repeating the word-expression of it, produce vibrations which prepare the mind for the realisation of the idea. That is the principle of the Mantra and of japa. One repeats the name of the Divine and the vibrations created in the consciousness prepare the realisation of the Divine. It is the same idea that is expressed in the Bible, “God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light.” It is creation by the Word. – Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo’s Gayatri Mantra
Sri Aurobindo wrote this Gayatri mantra for the Sacred thread ceremony of Mr. Doraisamy’s son on his request. This mantra has 8+8+8 syllables.
Om Tat Savitur Varam Rupam,
Jyoti Parasya Dhimahi Yannah Satyena Dipayet.
[Tat = That, Savitur = Sun-god who is the Creator, Varam = most auspicious, Rupam = form, Jyotih = Light, Parasya = of the Lord (since para = Transcendental),Dhimahi = meditate on (since Dhi = Intellect), Yannah = by which, Satyena = Truth, Dipayet = illumine (dipa = light) ]
“The power of the Gayatri is the Light of the divine Truth. It is a mantra of Knowledge.”

“The Gayatri mantra is the mantra for bringing the light of Truth into all the planes of the being.”

Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri about Mantra:
As when the mantra sinks in Yoga’s ear,
Its message enters stirring the blind brain
And keeps in the dim ignorant cells its sound
The hearer understands a form of words
And, musing on the index thought it holds,
He strives to read it with the labouring mind,
But finds bright hints, not the embodied truth:
Then, falling silent in himself to know
He meets the deeper listening of his soul:
The Word repeats itself in rhythmic strains:
Thought, vision, feeling, sense, the body’s self
Are seized unulterably and he endures
An ecstasy and an immortal change;
He feels a Wideness and becomes a Power,
All knowledge rushes on him like a sea:
Transmuted by the white spiritual ray
He walks in naked heavens of joy and calm,
Sees the God-face and hears transcendent speech.
[Savitri, Book IV, Canto 3, p. 375]

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